
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

  1. Ron Paul on CNBC Closing Bell 11/8/11

    Ron Paul on CNBC Closing Bell 11/8/11

    by ronpaul 7 months ago 33,604 views

  2. JDRF Rings NYSE Closing Bell

    On November 22, 2011 JDRF had the honor of ringing The Closing Bell at the NYSE. November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and JDRF is the ...

    by jdrfonline 6 months ago 1,161 views

  3. NFTE, CEE, and JA launch the "NYSE Euronext Virtual Field Trip" and ring the NYSE Closing Bell

    Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), Council for Economic Education (CEE), and Junior Achievement (JA) visit the NYSE to highlight the ...

    by nysetv1 2 months ago 570 views

  4. Closing Bell goes on the road

    John Heginbotham and dancers on tour at Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival www.johnheginbotham.com

    by adriennebryant 6 months ago 158 views

  5. CFA Institute rings the Closing Bell

    CFA Institute celebrates 50th Anniversary of CFA Program and NYSSA celebrates 75th Anniversary of Founding. To honor this occasion, Kathy O'Conner ...

    by nysetv1 4 weeks ago 507 views

  6. Catalyst celebrates 50th anniversary and rings the NYSE Closing Bell

    Catalyst visits the NYSE in celebration of the company's 50th anniversary and its work on expanding opportunities for women and business. In honor ...

    by nysetv1 3 months ago 400 views

  7. June 15th 2012 CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell

    6/15/2012 - CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell.

    by brianhockey22 1 week ago 96 views

  8. DuPont Fabros rings the NYSE Closing Bell

    DuPont Fabros (NYSE-Listed DFT) visits the NYSE to celebrate the opening of the new and fully operational SFTI® Access Center in its Piscataway ...

    by nysetv1 2 months ago 612 views

  9. Burroughs and Herbert talk about ringing Closing Bell at New York Stock Exchange

    Olympic freestyle wrestlers Jordan Burroughs and Jake Herbert talk about ringing the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange on June 8, 2012

    by USAWrestling2008 2 weeks ago 191 views

  10. May 18th 2012 CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Dow suffers worst 13-day stretch since 1974)

    5/18/2012 - CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Dow suffers worst 13-day stretch since 1974). The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls for the 12th time ...

    by brianhockey22 1 month ago 56 views

  11. May 31st 2012 CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Dow has fewest up days in a month in 43 years)

    5/31/2012 - CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Dow has fewest up days in a month in 43 years). The Dow Jones Industrial Average has it's fewest up ...

    by brianhockey22 3 weeks ago 70 views

  12. 2012 BPC Winners Ring the NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell

    On Friday, June 1st, 2012, Junior Achievement of New York students rang the NASDAQ Closing Bell to celebrate the top 4 winning student teams of ...

    by MYJANYTV 3 weeks ago 106 views

  13. June 1st 2012 CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Stocks tumble after dismal May Jobs Report)

    6/1/2012 - CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Stocks tumble after dismal May Jobs Report). The Dow Jones Industrial Average wipes out all of it's ...

    by brianhockey22 3 weeks ago 162 views

  14. 31 August 2011 Salesforce.com at Cloud Computing Dreamforce 2011 rings NYSE Closing Bell

    Salesforce.com (NYSE-Listed CRM), the enterprise cloud computing company, visited the NYSE. In honor of the occasion, Salesforce.com CEO Marc ...

    by nysetv1 10 months ago 818 views

  15. Peter Schiff & Rick Santelli on CNBC Closing Bell 05-25-12

    Friday, May 25, 2012. Penguin Prose Media Peter Schiff Rick Santelli CNBC Closing Bell May 25 2012 Greece Eurozone Debt Crises Austerity Election ...

    by PenguinProseMedia 1 month ago 2,236 views

  16. Dallas Cast ring The Closing Bell at NYSE Euronext

    On Tuesday, June 12, cast members from TNT's all-new series Dallas visit the New York Stock Exchange to highlight the series premiere on June 13 ...

    by Sangabrielle69 2 weeks ago 222 views

  17. June 21st 2012 CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell

    6/21/2012 - CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell.

    by brianhockey22 6 days ago 51 views

  18. March 9th 2012 - Nouriel Roubini on CNBC Closing Bell (Roubini's Bearish Signals)

    3/9/2012 - Nouriel Roubini on CNBC Closing Bell (Roubini's Bearish Signals). Nouriel Roubini speaks with Maria Bartiromo on CNBC Closing Bell.

    by brianhockey22 3 months ago 1,511 views

  19. June 6th 2012 CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Dow soars 286 points largest point gain of year)

    6/6/2012 - CNBC Stock Market Closing Bell (Dow soars 286 points largest point gain of year). The Dow Jones Industrial Average soars 286 points the ...

    by brianhockey22 3 weeks ago 61 views

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- Inaguración -
Miércoles 27 de Junio de 2012 - 7:00pm
Casa Proartes

Santiago de Cali, 1984
Artes Visuales, Universidad del Valle,

Exhibiciones individuales
2012 Ego puñal for sale, Casa Proartes,
2011 Party Night, Lugar a Dudas,

Exhibiciones colectivas

2012 - Desde el Malestar,
14 Salón Regional de Artistas,
2011 - “ Noiseducción”, Dadanoys,
XV Festival Internacional de Arte,
- Hiperventilación, Muestra sonora,
Asilo, Bogotá.
- Hiperventilación, Muestra sonora,
Calle Nueve, Medellín.
- El Mutante del Venezuela, Dash-Lab,
Bienal de Arte, Bucaramanga.
- “Hospitalismo”, Paisajes Sonoros,
Lugar a Dudas, Cali.

Estamos ante un trabajo interdisciplinar a ritmo de performances, instalaciones, objetos encontrados, asociaciones y música, mucha música, con sintetizadores y un sampler, aparato equivalente a una cámara para fotografi ar sonidos. Esas son las órbitas donde se produce el trabajo de Julio Giraldo que busca atrapar mediante su incesante energía un entorno tanto real como imaginario, tan suspicaz como conspicuo, evocador y trasgresor.

La propuesta de Julio Giraldo se va construyendo a partir de su experiencia y emociones. Éstas las consigue capturando en video y fotografía: el instante atrapado, no perfecto. Pero también con los objetos deteriorados que salen a su encuentro y con los cuales arma disociaciones, hibridaciones, sarcasmos y todo un repertorio que apuesta a proponer contrapuntos visuales, que aturden el sentido de la lógica retomando la mejor tradición Dadá.

En el pasado Festival de Arte lo tuvimos en CasaMata interviniendo como agente único de Dadanoys en una noche larga de “Noiseduccion”. Los sonidos agenciaron un particular clima que marcó el ritmo sicológico para los acelerados pero también para los solitarios y marginados de los centros e inevitables sumergidos en las fronteras .

Ego Puñal es su primera exhibición individual donde se puede ver de manera extensa los objetos que articulan el pensamiento de Julio Giraldo. Su lenguaje expandido asume la diversidad como una opción y sintoniza los argumentos apuntando a la conciencia y a las incógnitas del deseo. Sus argumentos funcionan igualmente como acotaciones donde no se desprecia la ironía, el humor y los acentos sarcásticos que se localizan esquivos en cualquier lugar y momento.

Esta exhibición se alimenta con los acordes estridentes de la paradoja y el ritmo aturdido de las conceptualizaciones ambiguas. Con esas entonaciones no señala premisas específi cas y a cambio propone atomizar ideas para encontrar estados alterados como un sendero para transitar sospechosamente.

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