
Friday, January 06, 2012

Fernando IX University
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Ukraine holidays of January

State days off are marked with a *.

January 1st - New Year Day*

New Year Day celebration is very similar to the same Russian because Ukraine was part of USSR till 1991. The Holiday is the state day off and the happiest event for all citizens and kids in particular.

Children’s matinee are held everywhere with bright performances and sweet presents, different concerts with participation of Russian and Ukrainian pop-stars also find wide range of spectators.

Ukraine holidays - New Year Day celebrations

Ukraine holidays - New Year Day celebrations

January 6th - Epiphany

The Baptism of Christ holiday or Epiphany, which is on the same level with Easter and is the most ancient Christian feast. It is dedicated to Baptizing of Jesus Christ by John the Forerunner in the Jordan river.

January 7th - Christmas*

The most important meal on the table of this evening is kutya (coliphia). By the end of the supper kids bring the meal to their godparents and parents are preparing to evening worship. After that family gathers again at the table to eat the jolly dinner which is not lean any more.

Ukraine holidays - Christmas

Ukraine holidays - Christmas Ukraine holidays - Christmas

January 13th - The Old Style New Year

Girl’s divination deserves a special attention. If to come out at midnight one can feel the new year banishing the old one.

Ukraine holidays - The Old New Year Day

Ukraine holidays - The Old New Year Day

January 19th - Baptism of our Lord (Epiphany)

The Baptism holiday finishes the Christmas season lasting from 7th till 19th Jan. According to Bible, Jesus was baptized in Jordan river waters so it gave the second, folk name to the holiday. Epiphany ends up the list of New-Year-Christmas feats.

Ukraine holidays - Epiphany

Ukraine holidays - Epiphany

January 20th - The autonomous republic of Crimea Day

This day in 1991 most of the Crimea citizens have expressed on the whole Crimean memorandum their desire to renovate Crimean autonomy, that further destined the status of the peninsula in Ukraine.

Ukraine holidays - Crimea Republic of Ukraine sceneries

Ukraine holidays - Crimea Republic of Ukraine sceneries Ukraine holidays - Crimea Republic of Ukraine sceneries

January 22nd - Ukraine Collegiality Day

Ukrainian National Republic was created in Jan 1918, and a Western-Ukrainian National republic was established on the territory of Austro-Hungarian empire. December 1918 the leaders of two republics signed the uniting agreement in Fastov. 22d Jan 1919 this agreement was announced in Kiev on the Sophia’s square. This public holiday symbolizes the unity of Ukrainian lands.

Ukraine holidays - Ukraine Collegiality Day

Ukraine holidays - Ukraine Collegiality Day

January 25th - Student’s day (Tatiana’s day)

On 25th January 1755 Shuvalov (the favorite man of Russian empress Elisabeth) has endorse the Moscow University project (the first on the tsar Russia territory). He was trying to time this event with the name-day of his mother Tatiana Petrovna.

“I present you University”, - he told her on 12th Jan (25th according to the new style). Students consider the celebration of this holiday as their sacred duty and brace it with different concerts and exhibitions.

Ukraine holidays - Student’s day (Tatiana’s day)

Ukraine holidays - Student's day (Tatiana's day) Ukraine holidays - Student's day (Tatiana's day)

January 26th - Customs officer international day; the day of supervision and auditing service of Ukraine.

Ukraine holidays - Customs officer international day

Ukraine holidays - Customs officer international day

January 29th - The day of fire protection service workers

This holiday was set in order to support the initiative of Ukrainian firemen.

Ukraine holidays - Firemen day

Ukraine holidays - Firemen day

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